The Song Room – Supporting Primary School Children in Dandenong

The Song Room provides learning opportunities for disadvantaged children in up to 200 schools through free arts programs, that are proven through research, to lift their academic performance, attendance and well-being.

Tuned in for Life – Arts and Harmony in Dandenong

Gandel Foundation provided support to The Song Room to deliver a tailor made program in Dandenong Primary School where between 60-100{5751bc5b63690f6a3018c78004b9a8025eaa2eaac2b926a397aa26ea6af7f630} of students are from language backgrounds other than English.  The program involved using music as a learning method, to bridge the language difference amongst students and their families, and help to develop social skills, confidence and teamwork whilst simultaneously developing teachers’ technical skills in a variety of art forms.   In-school workshops were facilitated with six classes in terms 2 and 3, culminating in the development of a school song and school performance.

The development of the workshops and the end of term performance helped students work together creatively and collaboratively to achieve a common goal.  Students developed technical skills in music and arts, improved attitudes to learning the music and arts, and improved confidence in performing and presenting.  Most students were said to have improved their self-expression, self-esteem and demonstrated improved capacity to work with and assist others in class.  In addition, the program helped to increase the connection between school, parents and the community.

