Andrew Rogers: “Where We Are” at the Jewish Museum of Australia – Gandel Centre of Judaica

The Jewish Museum of Australia: Gandel Centre of Judaica (JMA) is presenting yet another of their highly-successful ‘blockbuster’ exhibitions. This time the JMA joined forces with the internationally acclaimed Australian artist and sculptor Andrew Rogers, known around the world for his large-scale contemporary sculptures and land art, including the globe-spanning Rhythms of Life, a connected set of drawings on the earth visible from space.

The Andrew Rogers: Where We Are exhibition is a retrospective exhibition which will delve into the artistic process behind Andrew’s many masterpieces and his ongoing practice. It will portray his personal journey and evolution as an artist through figurative sculptures, abstract forms and his renowned land art; all together reflecting on the human experience, issues of identity, community, and the passage of time.

JMA’s Museum Director & CEO Noe Harsel said: ‘The Jewish Museum of Australia is honoured to host an exhibition of Andrew Rogers, an artist whose works are a testament to the collaborative spirit of art and its power to unite people across continents. The unifying and transformative power of art is at the heart of what we do at the Museum – and what Andrew showcases in his body of work. We are both a keeper of stories for Australia’s diverse Jewish communities and a place where people can explore Jewish identity, culture and creative expression.’

Gandel Foundation is yet again the Principal Partner with the JMA for the Andrew Rogers blockbuster exhibition, which is the sixth time the two organisations are joining forces to deliver a unique and immersive experience for the audiences. Previous blockbusters saw exhibitions featuring a wide range of cultural icons, from the likes of singer Amy Winehouse and photographer Helmut Newton to visual artists such as Andy Warhol, Marc Chagall and Mirka Mora.

Andrew Rogers: Where We Are is on from May to September 2024 at the Jewish Museum of Australia – Gandel Centre of Judaica

Andrew Rogers at work in his studio
