Smiling Mind uses digital technology to develop a preventative approach and ensure that long-term impact on mental health is minimised. Mindfulness provides an evidence-based approach to support good mental health, build resilience and support learning.
Supported in part by Gandel Foundation, Smiling Mind is currently undertaking the Digital learning project, digitising their student learning resources and developing self-paced student learning modules designed to be completed by children in the home or school environment. A series of associated video resources is also being developed.
Supporting materials for parents will help extend learning and embed calmness practices and activities at home that can assist with reducing anxiety and support ongoing social and emotional skills development.
In the 2021 Philanthropy Australia Awards Gandel Foundation and Smiling Mind were selected as the winners of the Bolder Philanthropy Award for their long-standing partnership to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people around Australia.