Tools and trades expertise sought for local schools

A partnership between the City of Whittlesea, Hands on Learning and a three year funding package led by Gandel Foundation and the Ian Potter Foundation has made it possible for the three local schools to introduce the innovative education program and support the different ways young people learn and engage at school.

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My Place program by Arts Access Victoria

My Place is a new program developed by Arts Access Victoria, the state’s leading arts and disability organisation. Supported by Gandel Foundation, My Place program is delivered in Nebula, a unique mobile arts space which is a workshop, a gallery, a performance venue and a meeting place – all in one!

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Arts Project Australia at 2014 Melbourne Art Fair

Arts Project Australia has curated over 500 artworks for the 2014 Melbourne Art Fair, and visitors will have the chance to view significant collections of the artists’ most recent works. Artwork includes paintings, drawings, prints, ceramics, 3D, soft sculptures, and video art.

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Launch of the Arts West partnership

Arts West is an unique model of nine arts organisations in Melbourne’s west sharing various activities with the aim of collectively raising their profile, building audiences and expanding commercial opportunities. Arts West is the only cooperative arts marketing body of its type in the nation.

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New research shows violence against women with disabilities is worse and lasts longer

Women with disabilities experience violence to a higher degree and for longer than women in the general population, with stereotypes of disability contributing to this preventable violence. These are among the key findings of a research project, Voices Against Violence, launched by Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Ambassador for Women and Girls and Chair, Foundation to Prevent Violence against Women and their Children.

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The Young Men’s Program by Evolve

Evolve is an organisation that provides a range of programs to disadvantaged or vulnerable young people, specialising in outdoor adventure and narrative therapy.
Evolve delivers programs such as the Young Men’s and Young Women’s programs, which are early intervention programs supporting young men and women at risk to evolve into strong, caring and purposeful individuals.

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