350 iPads available for nonverbal children to help remove barriers to education
State Schools’ Relief, a Victorian not for profit, expands their partnership with Gandel Foundation and Bank First, to provide an additional 350 iPads for non-verbal
More support for Holocaust education in Victorian schools
More Victorian government secondary schools will get the support they need to strengthen their teaching about the Holocaust and help stamp out anti-Semitism, thanks to

New equipment for FareShare
In the second phase of COVID-19 grants distributed by Gandel Foundation, food security featured strongly, with six out of 13 grants supporting that area. One

Digital Transformation Hub for community organisations
One of the phase-two COVID grants from Gandel Foundation was allocated to Infoxchange to help establish the digital transformation hub for charities. The grant, provided
New technology hub to support digital transformation journey of community organisations
The Infoxchange Group announced today (18 February 2021) the development of a new Digital Transformation Hub to help Australian not-for-profits build digital capability and resilience
International Holocaust Remembrance Day – 27 January 2021
Australia’s first national event bringing together local Holocaust Survivors and dignitaries to inspire Australians to be a light in the darkness. For the first time

Multicultural Chanukah brings light to the heart of Melbourne
In December 2020 Gandel Foundation joined forces with The Ark Centre and Fed Square to help produce a Multicultural Chanukah event at the Atrium at

Foodbank Appeal
Foodbank provides essential support to many struggling families and this year has been like no other. Since the start of COVID-19, Foodbank experienced 47% higher

VMC Multicultural Excellence Awards
At the recent 2020 Awards for Multicultural Excellence of the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC), Gandel Foundation received a Highly Commended Award in the Refugee Advocacy